Wednesday, February 3, 2010

All birds must be by now back in their nests

All birds must be by now back in their nests
Sharing with their offsprings
The experiences of the day

And feeding them
With the fruits, nuts and worms
Selectively gathered
With love and care
So that they grow
And soon become strong and skilled enough
To fly on their own wings

They would have started teaching
Their young ones
How to mend the nests
Which twig would go where
Which spongy feather would go where
So that all can have a comfortable sleep

Telling the stories of the past
How the eggs those hatched them
Were protected from invaders

And how they were waiting for these young wonders
Come out breaking the shell
That housed them and helped them shape

Also cautioning them against
Dangerous hungry invaders
With the scheme to devour them

And not to venture into the wind
Before they are trained adequately
In spreading the wings
And in perching on branches
Without the fear of fall

Mom, you did not get us the fruits of this tree
A query from a young one
And mom said, wait two more weeks let the tree flower
And blossom with its orange flowers
Fruits appear within a month

Mom is living is just struggling
No, the dear one
Living is a challenge
Successful living is facing them with joy
Regardless of your overcoming
Or succumbing to the challenge

A clear demonstration of care and love
All birds must be by now in their nests

I am waiting at the local rail station
For the next train towards home